Enrolment Policy


St John Paul II College welcomes applications from those not of the Catholic faith if there are places available, on the understanding that all students will support the religious ethos of the College and will participate in Religious Education lessons, liturgical celebrations and retreats where appropriate.

The College also welcomes applications from students with special needs (subject to the CEO Enrolment Policy). Before finalising an enrolment, interviews are held to ensure that enrolment at the college would be appropriate for the student. These decisions are made on an individual basis and after careful consultation with the family and the Catholic Education Office.


The College follows the CEO’s Enrolment Policy in processing applications. A full copy of this policy can be found on the CEO website.


Enrolment application forms are available from the reception area of the college, the Principal’s secretary, on the school website under Enrolments or the Catholic Education Office (CEO).

Students new to the College – who enrol mid-year

The Principal will arrange to meet with the new student and their parents/ guardians before a new student commences school. The interview will include: any confidential discussion regarding the welfare and management of the student and the establishment of a buddy in the student’s year level. The Principal will pass on relevant information to the student’s teachers and Pastoral Care Teacher who will be particularly aware of students new to their classes to enable them to settle in as quickly as possible. Concerns or queries should be addressed sooner rather than later.


CEO Policy for Catholic Systemic Schools


Application to Enrol in an Archdiocesan Catholic School

Catholic Schools Enrolment Information Pack

Approved by: St John Paul II College Leadership Team
Implementation Date: January 2013
Policy last Updated: September 2014
JPC Contact Officer: Assistant Principal


Change details, Excursions/Permissions & Payments


Proudly part of the community of Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn.
St John Paul II College Nicholls
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
Education Limited ABN 60 675 797 734