What does it mean to be a child of the third millennium? The technologies of the future are inconceivable, the global challenges will be profound, and the opportunities lie well beyond our dreams. There is no greater responsibility than preparing a young person to face that unknown world. For the staff at St John Paul II College, there is no greater privilege than sharing the task.
Our school family has grown from strength to strength since our inaugural class in 2013. We have opened award-winning facilities, extended the curriculum in new directions and welcomed our students’ strong academic results. We are extremely proud of the excellent achievements of our inaugural Year 12 graduate class in 2018 and of their pathways since leaving college.
Time and again, I hear from parents, visiting academics and fellow teachers that our students have maturity and insight beyond their years. It has reinforced our commitment to one-on-one mentoring, personalised learning programs and constant engagement with parents.
In our school, every student is an individual with a name, a family and a path. We will never grow too big to forget it.
We have a great vision for our senior classes and I am proud that we continue to expand our opportunities in the Senior College in 2021. Our students benefit from a rich and exciting experience – founded on our core principles but adapted to the emotional rollercoaster that the senior years can be.
It is a program that will challenge our students, both inside the classroom and beyond. We are confident that they will rise to that challenge, in a school community that will continue to foster their strengths, and believe in their potential.
In the senior years, our educational approach of self-directed learning is even more pertinent. Its core philosophy is that every student is unique, needs to be self-managing, resilient and equipped with the skills to deal with an increasing complex world. A standard education programme which delivers the same content in the same way to all will leave some students behind, whilst failing to extend other students’ potential.
The right education for students needs to respond to their specific needs; harness their individual passions; and welcome their families into the learning process.
Self-directed learning finds that personalised path by shifting the focus from passive to active learning. It recognises the reality of the modern workplace: real-world problems rarely come with textbook answers. We are called on instead to recognise problems, think about how to solve them, seek out knowledge and work in teams. A JPC education is built on these critical skills. It fosters the lifelong love of learning that will stand any worker of the future in good stead.
Technology continues to play a strong role in the senior years at the College. It is an integrated tool which gives students the flexibility to easily access what they need for all their work, both in classes and in Independent Learning Sessions. Cutting edge technology including strategically placed iMacs and IT hubs. Technical support and wi-fi across the College and a BYOD policy in the senior years ensure that technology is an essential partner to the self-directed learning philosophy.
Our students are already showing a high level of academic maturity and the ability to articulate their learning to others. We have been proud to see the initiatives of many individuals by undertaking extra external academic activities such as UN Youth Ambassadorships, language immersion programes to China and New Caledonia, specialised work experience programes, Canberra Student Community Health Workshops as well as completing Australian School Based Apprenticeships (ASBAs). Our students have also been accepted into the Australian National University to complete extension courses in higher level Maths, Engineering and Sciences, giving them early entry options to ANU. Through this they have demonstrated the skills of 21st Century learners, also showing self-reliance, self-knowledge and independence.
"St John Paul II College has provided me with an opportunity to excel in my studies and academic endeavours, due to the level of support we are given. The staff at JPC have an interest in each student and work with us to achieve the best that we can. This support is extended from the classroom environment to the mentor relationship, gives support for academic and extra-curricular endeavours you may have" - Charlotte Foster, Graduate 2018
Our unique timetable incorporating Independent Learning Time has been affirmed by the Board of Senior Secondary Studies for its innovative approach and the advantages it provides to senior students. The timetable accommodates the Board of Senior Secondary Studies requirements within the normal school day and also provides the flexibility to meet a variety of learning pathways.
"I decided to go to JPC for Year 11 and 12 because of its positive learning environment. The teachers are all there to help you and they want you to do well and I think it is really important that a college student has that positive student-teacher relationship. Mentoring is a really beneficial program that I have found helpful in my time here as a junior and I think that it’s a great and important support network to have in Years 11 and 12. Independent Learning Time is one of the main reasons I chose to stay as I find it a really valuable resource, not only academically, but personally, as it has helped me become more independent which I believe is a very beneficial skill to have in the senior years of school. I personally am so glad that I chose to stay at JPC for Year 11 and 12". Laura Ison – Graduate 2019