The Arts


  • Photography
  • Graphic Design
  • Music (Beginning)
  • Engineering (Year 10 only)
  • Music Performance
  • Food Technology
  • Dance Troupe
  • Woodwork
  • Art
  • Textiles (Beginning techniques)
  • Film and TV Studies
  • Textiles (Made to measure)
  • Theatresports
  • Information Technology (Web design and coding - beginning)
  • Drama
  • Information Technology (Web development and coding - Advanced)
  • Live Production design
  • Robotics and Electronics


Physical Education

  • Chinese

Due to the popularity of these subjects, students must complete an application

  • French
  • Outdoor Education (One Class)
  • Beginning Korean
  • Sports Science (One Class)


See the relevant Faculty Leader to apply for this course

  • EALD (identified EALD students) – Languages coordinator.
  • Study Skills/Work Skills– Learning Diversity coordinator.
  • Talented Sports Program – Health and Physical Education coordinator.
  • Gifted and Talented Program - Learning Diversity coordinator.
  • ASBA (only for students completing an ASAB) – VET and Careers