The ACT senior secondary system is designed to encourage students to pursue their interests without limiting their options for higher study and careers. It is governed by the ACT Board of Senior Secondary Studies (BSSS), which develops policy applying to all ACT senior secondary colleges.
The BSSS delivers the ACT Senior Secondary Certificate and Record of Achievement (ACT SSC) and the ACT Tertiary Entrance Statement (ACT TES). This includes the student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) which is required for direct entry to university.
Students may choose to study either a Tertiary Package or a Standard Package.
Both of these packages can include T, A, V, H and R course types. However, students choosing a Tertiary Package need to ensure BSSS requirements for this are met and their package will be monitored to ensure appropriate course selection and guidance will be provided throughout the two years.
"Given that this will be my first experience with the ACT Senior system, the whole family feels reassured that we will be facing this new challenge in a supportive and secure environment." - Parent