Transition – Step by Step to Independence

The choices for today’s school-leavers are many, and varied. The decision-making process can swiftly become overwhelming. In the press of study, part-time work, extra-curricular activities and social life, it is all too easy to lose sight of the ultimate goal. A carefully orchestrated transition programe at key points helps allay uncertainty and minimises the associated stress through the different stages of College and into post-school destinations.

Year 10

Planning for the senior college years begins early in Year 10, with students being introduced to the language of the ACT senior system. During the first half of Year 10, formal and informal opportunities are created for Year 10 students to explore senior subject choices, with both students and teachers available to them for targeted discussions and the possibility of attending senior classes. Selected Year 10 students also have the opportunity to complete a personalised project at a senior level standard. A dedicated Transition Week at the end of Semester 1 provides students with greater familiarity with the expectations and structures of the system and further detailed information on subjects and courses offered at JPC. Subject selection takes place with students and their families at the end of this week. The week supports students as they begin their career planning, allowing them to develop their job search skills, hear from experts and visit tertiary and other training institutions.

Throughout Semester 2, students will have the opportunity to pursue paths of interest by attending the Careers Expo, Try a Trade days and one-on-one conversations with their Mentor Teacher together with information and specific skills sessions during ILT.

Year 11

Our Year 11 programme wraps support around each student as they adjust to new expectations and demands. A two day Year 11 Conference early in Term 1 provides inspiration and motivation for the journey ahead along with practical skills. Over the year, parent and student information sessions explain the complexities of the system including the calculation of the ATAR and the ACT Scaling Test; whilst Mentor Teachers will continue to reinforce essential time management and self- care skills.

Throughout Year 11, students will have the opportunity to meet and discuss their academic programe and progress with their Mentor Teacher and other expert members of staff and to make adjustments as needed.

For those students looking to enter university directly from school, a programe of familiarisation with the ACT Scaling Test also begins, ATAR estimates are developed, and their meaning will be unpacked.

Year 12

In Year 12, information sessions continue as for Year 11, and our focus broadens to encompass post-school transition, including the university entry process, options for gap years, tools for entering the workforce and preparation for independent living. A dedicated AST preparation program ensures that students feel confident and familiar with the test. A Year 12 Retreat, held in Term 3, is a key event, providing valuable experiences both individually and as a group.

Induction of students new to the College

We are committed to ensuring that all new students and their parents or carers feel quickly at home in the College. The relationship with the Mentor Teacher is a key element in this and we will look to allocate a staff member from the time of enrolment, well before the student begins at the College. This teacher will work with the student and the family during the year prior to entry into Year 11 to ease the transition and provide support and liaison as needed.

Access to induction sessions running is available to all new students. This includes the Transition Week and all information evenings. If attendance is not possible, the College will work to provide as much of the information as possible to the new student to support their transition into senior school.

Senior School at JPC gives us the opportunity to develop our own skills and abilities during ILT which help us directly with our lives after school.
- Harrison Bergman – Graduate 2018


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Proudly part of the community of Catholic Education Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn.
St John Paul II College Nicholls
Catholic Archdiocese of Canberra and Goulburn
Education Limited ABN 60 675 797 734