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- Message from the Principal
- Teaching & Learning - Tutoring HUB
- Years 11 and 12 Exam Information for Semester 1, 2024.
- Father Ted Kennedy Day
- University of Canberra - Explore Day
- 9/10 Drama Students Prepare for Act Up!
- Act Up 2024
- Senior Outdoor Ed visits HSP
- Cafe Stepping Stone
- Cross Country 2024
- Duke of Edinburgh @ JPC
- JPC Vinnies School Sleepout
- White Card, Asbestos and Silica courses
- National Reconciliation Week 2024
- Bike Security @JPC
- No Aerosol Sprays at JPC
- NCCD Portal
- Holy Spirit Parish News
Being involved = Partnership
I have had the privilege of meeting some parents this week who have generously put up their hand to nominate to serve on our College Community Council. This advisory group is designed to support me in the running of our school, so that I am informed, well advised and of course, listening carefully to the needs, wants and desires of our community. The Council will also include some students, and staff representation. I am grateful to these people.
Our work as educators, and your role as parents, intersects at one crucial point: your child. We are here because we have a vocation to teach; to work with young people to grow their faith, knowledge, skills and understandings, and we partner with you in assisting you in growing decent citizens, who will lead (and already do!) purposeful, meaningful lives.
Given this intersection and partnership, it is imperative that parents have opportunities to engage with the life of the school. This is not limited to coming to parent/teacher exchanges, or when called in for a meeting, but also includes many other opportunities to come to the College. I am conscious that we need to offer more varied and regular invitations to be involved in the life of the school, and am keen to foster close ties with families. When school, parents and their families are actively involved, the dialogue is easier, the understandings about raising adolescents are enhanced, and relational trust is built.
Please be on the look-out for the invitations we send to you to come onto the College grounds for events and celebrations, and to contribute to the future of our College. For example, last Friday, mums (and those in mothering roles) were invited to come in to celebrate Mother’s Day. There was a beautiful prayer service, led by Fr Troy and created by our Mission and Ministry Coordinator Mr Matt Bourke, followed by a high tea. It was delightful to welcome about 70 mums to this event. Perhaps next year we might have even more mums come along.

Every Wednesday morning at 8.20 am we have Mass in the College chapel. Parents are warmly invited to attend as are all students.

Dr Craig Wattam
Teaching & Learning - Tutoring HUB
On Monday afternoons, JF4/5 is abuzz with students, participating in the JPC Tutoring Hub.
This is a free service offered by JPC, to assist students with assessment tasks and to consolidate their learning in class.
There is a strong emphasis on Science, Maths, English and Humanities, but all students are welcome to attend.
For 45 minutes, students have access to staff and Senior students for extra help.
Students are here to learn and consolidate understanding.
This is not for those who want to socialise with their friends; students who attend do so knowing that they are to be working solidly and efficiently. If students cannot follow these guidelines, they are asked to leave and not return. This is because they become a distraction to those students who do want to learn.
Students are required to bring their own work, as it is difficult to cater for all subjects within the 45-minute timeframe between 3:45 pm and 4:30 pm.
Attendance roll is always taken, to ensure the safety of students remaining here at school.
Please discuss this opportunity with your child, either in the capacity of a student attending or a student who assists with tutoring.

Mr Matthew Ryan
Year 7 IMS Facilitator
Year 7 IMS, Year 9 ILT, Year 10 Science, Senior Human Biology
Mathieu House
Years 11 and 12 Exam Information for Semester 1, 2024.
(Week 18/19 – 11-18 June 2024)
Senior Exams will be held during weeks 18 and 19, from Tuesday 11 June through to and including Tuesday 18 June 2024. Click on the link below for the timetable. Assessment return days are in week 19 on 19 and 20 June.
Any issues with exam scheduling need to be addressed with Mrs Stokman by Monday 3 June.
All students eligible for special provisions will be emailed separately to confirm the timing of exams with additional time conditions. If you have not received an email by the end of Tuesday 28 May and believe you are eligible, please contact Mrs Garvie.
The Curriculum and Assessment Office

On Friday 17 May Kennedy House had their patron day where we all came together and celebrated Father Ted Kennedy.
It was a great time for all Kennedy students and we thank the SRC team for the hard work they all put in for their first-ever meeting.
At lunch time the students held a BBQ at the front of the school and snacks and drinks were handed out by our SRC members.
It was such an amazing time for all Kennedy House students.
It is a very important day to remember the kind gifts that Ted Kennedy had given to us.
Hudson W
Yr 7 Kennedy
SRC Member
University of Canberra - Explore Day
On Monday, our Year 11 and 12 students attended the University of Canberra's Explore Day! It was a hands-on, student-simulation opportunity for your Year 10 to 12 students to get a taste of university life. Students got to build their own itinerary to sample what UC has to offer, including faculty workshops, campus activities, and more.
Thank you to Mr Igoe-Taylor, Ms Cao and Mr McDermott for attending!

9/10 Drama Students Prepare for Act Up!
The Year 9/10 Drama class has been preparing their performance entries for Canberra Theatre’s Act Up! Festival. This festival involves Canberra and coastal high school students creating performances based on the theme of “Culture and Identity”.
This week, the class participated in their first of three workshops with visiting industry professionals including. Clare Moss, is an actor who has appeared in shows like Blue Heelers and Neighbours as well as many TV commercials. This series of workshops will allow students to further develop their small group and collective performances. Students are stepping up the performance standard and creating engaging and thought-provoking work showcasing their talents and ability to work together.
Students will perform their final pieces on Friday 31 May on the Canberra Theatre stage. Tickets will be available to purchase via the Theatre website.

Mrs Sarah Smith
The Senior Outdoor Education students went to Holy Spirit to teach Year 3 students environmental, challenge and team games.
The students were surprised at how many Year 3 students there were and delivered great programs to all 100 students!
It was great to see the students demonstrate leadership and realise how tiring teaching can be. Overall, it was a great experience for our students and it is great to see how much they have grown from the camps, excursions and helping Holy Spirit.

Mr. Adam McDonnell
Teacher – Outdoor Education, PE
Drexel House
Celebrating the Annual JPC Cross Country Day last Tuesday 14 May.
Shining a spotlight on a sport that embodies perseverance, endurance, and the thrill of pushing one's limits: cross country running. Cross country running isn't just about racing against opponents; it is a battle against oneself, a test of physical and mental strength that takes athletes through rugged terrain, over challenging hills, and across vast distances. It is a sport where the finish line isn't just a marker on a track, but a symbol of determination and grit.
Did you know St John Paul II College runs the Duke of Edinburgh Award?
But what is it?
Duke of Edinburgh Award is an independent initiative for students to gain life skills, resilience and work towards being an incredible person. To achieve this students must complete:
- Physical recreational activity
- Learn a skill (from music, art, sewing etc..)
- Voluntary service
- An adventure journey in the outdoors!
So far our students have done amazing things in working towards achieving the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. For example, Evan B (FE), Harrison S (MA) and Cooper M (MA) rode a bike around Canberra’s Centenary Trail which is 140km long! It took them 14 hours! I know for a fact that is a very difficult thing to do both physically and mentally. Congratulations on your achievement.
We have Kalani S (VT) taking up cooking and learning advanced techniques to make delicious baked goodies. Also, Thenuk A (MT) and Isaac have started gardening at our school with the help of Mr Veltri. These are just some short examples of what our Duke of Edinburgh students are achieving and all 16 enrolled students are doing an incredible job progressing.
We also have Miss Robinson, Mr Veltri and Miss Fen Hu guiding Duke of Edinburgh students at our school and the work towards this does not go unnoticed.
So, if you are a student wanting to do more and achieve goals that seem out of reach, come chat with Mr Adam McDonnell about Duke of Edinburgh.

Mr. Adam McDonnell
Teacher – Outdoor Education, PE
White Card, Asbestos and Silica courses

This term we are able to offer the White Card, Asbestos and Silica courses here at JPC for students. These courses are essential in the ACT for being able to complete work on a construction site.
There are spots available on the 17/18 June. This is open to students aged 14 years or over.
- All three courses cost $390
- Silica only is $240
- White Card only is $75
As there are a limited number of students able to be enrolled in each course, please contact for details on how to enrol.
National Reconciliation Week 2024
Further resources and information can be found at
Aerosol sprays at JPC are NOT permitted.
There are students and staff who are allergic to the particles that are released into the air and this can cause respiratory discomfort like Asthma.
In some cases, this could be life threatening.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Parish Newsletter
For the latest news Click here or you can view it on the Parish App or visit the website below.