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- Message from the Principal
- 2024 ADF Award Receipients
- Being a Supportive Ally: The Role of Parents in Exam Preparation
- Year 10 Exam Timetable
- JPC 2025 Timetable - Literacy
- Dance Fest 2024 - Shadows of the Mind
- "Our Town" Exhibition
- SSA 12&U Football Championships
- Invitation to JPC Community Council - Open Forum
- Uni Step-up Online (ACU)
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Prayer for Soldiers and Veterans
Heavenly Father
We pray for those who have served and those currently serving our country through military service.
Bless our servicemen and women and their families, for their service and sacrifice
for the protection and maintenance of our country.
Strengthen and protect them when they are in danger
and support them and their families when they are apart.
May they know your presence when faced with hardship.
Give them strength and courage in their hour of need.
Let them know they are never alone as you are always by their side.
Guide and support all service personnel across the world in their future endeavours,
with your kindness and unfailing love.
We pray this through Christ our Lord.
From the ACU Book of Prayer (2021, p.110)
Announcing our new College Leaders for 2025
At our assembly last Tuesday, we formally announced our College Leaders for 2025. I offer my sincere congratulations to Harry, Sofia, Noemie, Neve, Beth, and Liam on their appointment to these important roles. I know they will do a splendid job leading the College next year. We will formally invest our new leaders at the Opening College Mass next February.

Remembrance Day
Yesterday we paid our respects, and bowed our heads in prayer for those who have served, and currently serve, in our defence force. We acknowledge the sacrifice that has been made, and continues to be made by individuals and their families, for our country.
I am conscious that we have many serving families in our College community, and that at times, this brings with it challenges and complexities that other families may not have to navigate. Please remember that our Defence Force Mentor, Zonika Smith is available, and does a tremendous job in keeping in contact with our students and their families.
All students in the College will be preparing to sit end of year exams in the coming weeks, and we have been providing study and health tips in advance of these. None of these tips are rocket science as they say. Like much of the advice we might receive on a number of fronts, eating a healthy balanced diet, getting adequate sleep, good amounts of exercise, a prayer and/or meditation routine, are all sensible ways to approach the exam period. More pointedly, having a regular study and revision pattern, looking at the right material in a structured and sequential manner, and having clear summary notes, all assist.
Exams are useful ways to both find out what has been learned, and also provide feedback and affirmation of the knowledge and skills that have been acquired. Exams also assist in looking at the next steps in learning: to fill in gaps, or to advance to the next topic/unit. I am sure our students are ready to meet the challenge, and with a commitment to doing well, and putting in the work, they will be well rewarded for their efforts.
We use exams as a means of providing summative assessment of work that has been taught along the way. During the course of each lesson, and the semester, students will have been offered formative feedback that informs the learning, and sets or re-sets the direction. Regardless of where our students go once they leave our school system, there will no doubt be some form of examination in their lives beyond us. Whether they attend higher education, CIT, an apprenticeship or further training, and even in the workplace, exams are a fact of life. Providing opportunities for test-taking while at school helps prepare young people for the inevitable examinations that will come.
I wish all of our students the very best for their coming exams and will be praying for their calm minds and clear heads so that they can demonstrate what they have learned to their best ability.
But I was just texting my mum…
If our front office staff have heard one phrase this year on repeat, it is this one. I also have experienced this any number of times! Please parents, do not respond to, or initiate text chats with your child during the school day. In line with nearly all states and territory schools in Australia, and for good reasons, mobile devices are banned during school hours. As we have explained, we want our students to be present, free from distractions, and ready to learn. Phones should be off, not on their person and out of sight for the whole school day.
Dr Craig Wattam
At last week's whole school assembly, we proudly presented the Australian Defence Force (ADF) Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Awards alongside the ADF Innovators Awards.
The Long Tan Awards honour students who have displayed exceptional qualities of leadership, teamwork, and resilience, setting a positive example for their peers and contributing actively to our school community.
The Innovators Awards recognise students with a passion for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, celebrating their creativity, problem-solving skills, and dedication to innovation.
These awards highlight the achievements of students who embody the values championed by the Australian Defence Force, and we congratulate the recipients for their remarkable contributions and commitment to excellence.
A huge congratulations to all our winners – Baylen Whittaker, Tiago Hallen, Zali Hoare and Alexander Ratajkoski.
A big thank you to Major Eamon Kenny for taking the time to present these awards!

Zonika Smith
Defence School Mentor
Being a Supportive Ally: The Role of Parents in Exam Preparation
Exams can be a stressful time for students, and emotional support from parents is invaluable. Here are ways to provide encouragement:
- Open Communication: Create an environment where your child feels comfortable discussing their anxieties and concerns. Listening can sometimes help.
- Celebrate Small Wins: Recognise and celebrate the milestones they achieve during their study process, whether it is mastering a difficult topic or sticking to their study schedule.
- Encourage a Positive Mindset: Help your child focus on their strengths and the progress they have made. Remind them that exams are just one way to demonstrate their knowledge. They have had other opportunities throughout the semester to demonstrate what they know in different ways.
- Be Present: Sometimes, just being there—whether it is offering a snack during a study session or being available for a quick chat—can provide the comfort they need.
Being a source of emotional support helps alleviate the pressure students face, fostering a healthier mindset as they prepare for exams.
Mrs Kathleen Garvie
Assistant Principal -Learning
Kennedy and Ferre Houses
In alignment with our commitment to literacy, and collaboration with families, at the start of the year, we gathered insights on the implementation of a whole school reading program. The feedback was overwhelmingly in favour of embedding this program within the curriculum. Starting in 2025, we will roll out the reading initiative for Year 7 and 8 students as part of their English classes. Additionally, students in Years 9 and 10 will receive specific Information Literacy support, with dedicated time in the library during HASS and Science classes. This will ensure our students develop strong reading and research skills that are essential for their academic success.
Mrs Kathleen Garvie
Assistant Principal -Learning
Kennedy and Ferre Houses
Dance Fest 2024 - Shadows of the Mind
On Friday 8 November, our talented students represented St John Paul II College at the Canberra Youth Dance Festival with an outstanding performance that opened the second act. Their piece, Shadows of the Mind, was choreographed by the senior dance class and brought a powerful narrative to the stage. Inspired by the theme What Do You Dream? This evocative work draws the audience into a surreal world where whimsical fantasies shift into haunting nightmares. Through movement and production elements, the dancers explore themes of inner darkness, fear of losing control, and the daunting journey of confronting our deepest anxieties alone.
The piece delves into the fragile boundary between dreams and reality, where unresolved fears and hidden emotions blur the line between fantasy and nightmare, creating a realm that feels both captivating and unsettling. The students’ performance captivated the audience, drawing praise from students from other schools, their friends, and their families. The Ausdance organisers also commended the dancers on the precision of their technique, the clarity of their creative storytelling, and their use of production elements like lighting, costume, and music to enhance the dark, dream-like atmosphere of the performance.
Congratulations to our JPC dancers for their incredible hard work and dedication which brought Shadows of the Mind to life on stage in such a memorable and impactful way. Their commitment to perfecting both the technical and expressive elements of the piece truly embodied our school values, showing strength in unity and resilience in the face of creative challenges.
We can’t wait to see what amazing performances they dream up next!

Mrs Dowling
Our amazing year 9/10 art students recently participated in the "Our Town" exhibition, a part of the Celebrate Gungahlin festival. This competition encouraged students to express what Gungahlin means to them through their artwork, and our class dove in with excitement, using lino printing to showcase their unique and different perspectives. This competition tied into our printmaking assessment task for the term, and students put a lot of thought and creativity into their designs, capturing the essence of our vibrant community through their art.
We are thrilled to share that one of our students, Samantha C Year 9 (KE), took home the People's Choice Award for her artwork, Trees by the Lake. This recognition from the community is a fantastic achievement, and we’re so proud of Sammy and all the students who participated. Their hard work and creativity truly shine, and it's wonderful to see our young artists making their mark in the community!
Well done everyone!
Miss Tori Dallas
Visual Arts & Photography Teacher
Maathai House
SSA 12&U Football Championships
Congratulations to Year 7 students, Bryson L (KE) and William O (MT), who recently represented the U12 SSACT Football (soccer) team in Perth.
The 12&U Boys finished their championships with 3 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses, narrowly missing out on a medal spot. The boys showed tremendous skill and improvement each game. The boys fought hard as a team, and the eventual winners, Qld, found it tough to score, narrowly winning 3-2. (SSA 12&U Football (Soccer)... - School Sport ACT | Facebook).
Great Work Bryson & William.
Invitation to JPC Community Council - Open Forum
JPC’s School Executive Council has had a busy start establishing both roles and understanding of the purpose of the council in the operations of the school. With representation from parents, teachers, students and the diocese, the council is a well-rounded group with a common goal of supporting Dr Wattam and his team in the development of best practice whole of school initiatives that ensure the best learning environment for our children.
In November, the council will host an Open Community Council Meeting where all members of the JPC community are welcome to attend, submit topics of interest they would like addressed, and participate in subsequent discussions. We understand that every family has a long list of priorities, and adding more to your calendar can create challenges, however, we encourage you to join us for just 30-45 minutes and be part of how the school operates.
The Open Community Council Meeting will be held in the JPC College theatre on Tuesday 12 November, from 6 pm. If you have any matters to be raised, please forward these to for inclusion on the agenda. If you don’t feel comfortable raising the matter yourself, please let us know, and we will ensure your voice is still heard in the meeting. Please note, it is important that items are submitted prior to the meeting so that time can be allocated for discussion, as well as any additional information be gathered to ensure matters raised can be addressed in full. There will not be an opportunity to add additional topics to the agenda on the night.
We strongly encourage every family to find the opportunity to attend the Community Council Meeting and be an active part of the school’s future. An agenda will be available shortly before the meeting but may be subject to change if additional topics are raised for discussion and time is available.
If you have any questions about the role of the School Executive Council, or the Community Meeting, please do not hesitate to reach out and we’d be only too happy to speak with you.
I Look forward to seeing you on 12 November.
Julie Saunderson
JPC Community Council Secretary
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