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- Message from Assistant Principal - Development
- Teaching & Learning - Year 7 Retreat
- Vinnies CEO & School Sleepout - DONATE TODAY!
- Senior Exams
- Sport Studies go to Lazer Tag
- Year 10 Work Experience
- SAVE THE DATE - Justin Coulson - Digital Kids
- Nominations Open - ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Awards
- Photo & Media Permissions
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- JPC Umbrellas for Sale
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- Holy Spirit Parish News
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- Women's Self Defence Class - 2 June 2024
Message from Assistant Principal - Development
To the community of St John Paul II College,
Today, the church celebrates The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a significant event in Catholic tradition that commemorates the meeting between Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist. According to the Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:39-56), after the Annunciation, when Mary learned she would conceive Jesus, she visited Elizabeth in the hill country of Judea. When Mary greeted Elizabeth, the unborn John leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, recognising Mary as the mother of her Lord.
This event is celebrated by Catholics as a profound example of humility, joy, and the importance of recognising the presence of Christ in one another. It symbolises the bond of kinship between Jesus and John the Baptist, as well as the solidarity and support between Mary and Elizabeth. The Visitation is also seen as an embodiment of the Church's mission to bring Christ to others, as Mary brought Jesus to Elizabeth, and as a call to service and charity, reflecting Mary's selflessness in helping her relative during her time of need.
During this time we pray to God to be open to the Spirit moving in others:
Almighty ever-living God, who, while the Blessed Virgin Mary
was carrying your Son in her womb, inspired her to visit
Elizabeth, grant us, we pray, that faithful to the promptings
of the Spirit, we may magnify your greatness with the Virgin Mary at all times.
Reconciliation Assembly
On Tuesday, we held our Reconciliation Assembly for 2024. Students and staff entered the assembly from the front of the school passing through a smoking ceremony facilitated by Aunty Violet and her two grandsons Noah and Cain.
The assembly then commenced with a Welcome to Country by Aunty Violet Sheridan and a Cultural Performance by the Wiradjuri Echoes – including the opportunity for students to take to the stage and participate in the dancing.
Thank you to Ms Louise Dwyer for the organisation of the event. Ms Dwyer is our First Nations facilitator and supports the College in our continuing journey of becoming a more culturally aware and accepting school.

Strategic Plan 2025-2028
Thank you to the large number of people from our community that nominated to be a part of the 2025-2028 Strategic Plan Working Group (SPWG). After shortlisting and sending out invitations, the group met for the first time last week to begin this exciting work.
In the coming weeks, students, staff and the community will be invited to complete online surveys as well as be invited into the College to participate in focus groups. This capturing of the thoughts and views of our community is extremely important as we develop the plan that will guide JPC for the next four years.
Please keep an eye out for the survey links and information about focus groups that will be emailed and shared on our Social Media pages in the coming weeks.
As always, there have been many wonderful things that have occurred at JPC over the last couple of weeks. We thank all of those involved in these activities and for the collective effort to make them a success.
Jacob Knowles
Assistant Principal – Development
Teaching & Learning - Year 7 Retreat
This week, and next, the Year 7 students will be participating in a retreat experience with their RE classes and our JPC Senior Youth Ministry Team (SYMT). The theme ‘all in this together’, aims to invite these students more deeply into being a part of our College and wider Church community. We want our Year 7s to know that JPC is a community where they belong, just as they are, and where they are never alone. As a school community, we are all in this journey together, and as a Catholic community, Jesus is with us in it all too!
The retreat day incorporates the CSYMI (Catholic Schools Youth Ministry International) principles of Connection, Proclamation and Response. The leaders in our SYMT know these approaches to youth ministry well and have crafted them into a program for our Year 7s to discover and enjoy. Using ice-breaker games and team-building activities, our SYMT makes connections and builds friendships with the younger students. Then through engaging talks and personal sharing, the SYMT proclaims the Gospel by relating this to our theme of belonging in ways that our Year 7s can relate to.
Finally, in small discussion groups and other activities, the students can respond to what has been shared as they think about what they would like to take away from this experience.
We are very grateful for the expertise and energy of our College Youth Ministry Officer, Ms Foley, who prepares our SYMT and helps them to lead the wonderful retreat sessions for our Year 7s. We also hope that our Year 7 students will know they belong to our community and are all deeply valued by one another, our staff and our God.

Mr Matthew Bourke
Leader of Learning and Wellbeing – Mission and Ministry
Mathieu House
Exam timetables have been sent to students via their school emails.
The final formal classes for seniors are on Friday 7 June. Exams begin on Tuesday 11 June and follow through the next week. Students are not required to be at school except for their exams and they do not need to sign in and out when here. They are welcome to be at school to study or access their teachers. When at school, students should be in their full senior uniform. Jerseys can only be worn over the approved school uniform.
The final days of exams for Year 11 (Monday 17) and Year 12 (Tuesday 18) are for Tertiary students only (unless catch-up exams are required). Tertiary students will undertake trial experiences of the various AST (Year 12 skills) exams. All Tertiary students are required to attend.
Exam Expectations
Exams can be a new or rare experience for some students. The following are the expectations of JPC students during exams:
- Turn up to your exam at least 10 minutes before the start time
- Bring everything you will need to the exam, as you can’t leave the space to get items you have forgotten
- Leave your phone and bag in your locker
- Enter and leave the exam space in silence
- Please follow all directions given by the exam invigilators
Best wishes for your upcoming exams.
Ms Jessica Stokman
Students in the Year 9/10 Sports Studies elective are studying a unit on Lifestyle, Leisure and Recreation. As part of the unit, students are investigating and participating different recreation activities on offer in their local area.
This week both classes went to Zone 3 in Belconnen to play Laser Tag.
Mr Sam McCombe
Leader of Learning and Wellbeing
Maathai House – Year 9
Teacher – Health and Physical Education
During the last week of term 2, our Year 10 students will be undertaking work experience. With support from the Careers team, students have independently contacted a wide variety of industries/organisations, enhancing their communication and problem-solving skills. Some industries they are attending are:
- Primary schools
- Early Learning Centres
- Electrical companies
- Film production and animation companies
- Sports rehabilitation and physiotherapists
- Pottery
- Property management
- Law firms
- Dentists
- Auto accessory fitting
- Builders
- Canberra Hospital
- And more!
Every year 10 student will be taking part in the work experience program.
If your Year 10 child has not found a placement or needs support with completing the forms, please reach out to the Careers team ASAP at
SAVE THE DATE - Justin Coulson - Digital Kids
Until now, our challenge has been that so much research is contradictory, there's so little good-quality research, and there has been so much we simply don't know. But all that is changing.
Join Dr Justin Coulson, one of the nation's leading parenting experts, as he unpacks - step by step - the specific conclusions we can draw about our digital kids.
In this presentation you'll discover:
- Why screen time is an unhelpful way to talk about kids and screens
- How boys and girls are affected differently by their screen use
- The true story about screens and social media
- The uncomfortable truth about boys and violent video games,
- Why 'the displacement hypothesis' is the critical lever to pull in balancing screen use for our kids' wellbeing
Digital Kids is the conversation the nation needs to have about our kids and their screens.
Nominations Open - ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Awards
The ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Awards recognise Australian students in Years 10 and 12 who demonstrate exemplary leadership and teamwork within their school and local community. Named in honour of the Battle of Long Tan, these awards aim to foster values such as determination, initiative, and loyalty. Recipients are chosen based on their ability to lead by example, inspire their peers, and contribute positively to their school and community.
Year 10 students have an opportunity to win a cash prize of $250, while Year 12 students can win $550.
*Submissions close on the 28 June 2024*
How to Nominate Yourself for the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership & Teamwork Awards
- Check Eligibility: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. The awards are open to Australian students in Years 10 and 12 who demonstrate leadership and teamwork within their school and local community.
- Write a Personal Statement: Draft a personal statement explaining why you believe you deserve the award. Focus on your leadership roles, achievements, and how you have contributed to your school and community.
- Speak to Your School: Please come and see Mr Tom Van de Waterbeemd or Mrs Zonika Smith in the Wellbeing hub to express your interest in nominating yourself for the award.
Further information -
Zonika Smith
Defence School Mentor
At the beginingof 2024, Catholic Education (CE) updated the student system to Compass and in this process, the photo and media permissions were not transferred in their entirety.
To ensure the data at St John Paul II College (JPC) is correct, we ask families to complete the form below for each child at St John Paul II College.
Note - Please complete a form for each child at JPC.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The College Office
St John Paul II College Umbrella
$40.00 ea
Available from the College Office
Cash or Card
Never be caught in the rain again,
stay dry with a JPC Umbrella.
- Full-sized umbrella to protect you from the craziest of storms
- 8 ribbed frame made from fibreglass and vented wind panel
- The shade is made from a 190T pongee fabric
- Automatic button release and a matching pongee sleeve.
Parish Newsletter
For the latest news Click here or you can view it on the Parish App or visit the website below.